cisimple and HockeyApp: All your builds are belong to us

We’re excited to announce that we’ve has just released support for distributing apps using HockeyApp.  You can learn more about the integration on our DevCenter.


Why would we do this?
First, we’ve long been fans of their product, and as a mobile dev myself I’ve used them in a number of past lives and previous projects. Speaking from my own experience, I’ve found their OTA uploads to be incredibly fast and they have a great user experience for managing a large number of applications and versions. If you haven’t tried it you really should… go on, this blog post will be right here waiting when you’re done.

Another reason we felt HockeyApp would make a great integration is their support for Android. We’ve been integrated with TestFlight since the very beginning but that left our Android folks feeling a bit left out. We’re glad to finally be closing that gap.

Finally, and most importantly, because you asked for it! There’s nothing more rewarding to us than delivering on feature requests.

What’s it do?
Well, we compile apps and run automated tests. HockeyApp (among other things) does OTA distribution, pushing your app out to beta testers. Think of your build process like a gauntlet: if your commit compiles and passes your automated tests then it’s automatically pushed out to your human testers.

There’s two ways to do this:
1. Fully Automated: cisimple will push a new release to HockeyApp for every code commit
2. Manual: Find the build you want to distribute and click “Upload To HockeyApp”

In each case cisimple does all the compiling and codesigning for you so you can do things that don’t suck and are fun.  Like flirting with your office manager.  Just don’t let HR find out.


What’s Next?
We’re in love with the wealth of services that exist to make mobile developers’ lives easier. Our philosophy is to partner with them and build tight integrations directly into our product. If you’ve got a partnership or integration request, give us a shout:
